Address common mascara application mistakes and provide tips for achieving perfect lashes.

Every woman knows that lash perfection comes with the right stroke of mascara. However, many are not immune to making mascara mistakes which can range from clumpy lashes to unsightly smudges. Fortunately, most mascara mistakes are easy fixes. In Makeup Queens, we're all about empowering women with the right makeup tips and tricks to achieve those Instagram-worthy looks. Let's break down the most common mascara mistakes and how to fix them.

Clumpy Lashes

Clumpy lashes occur when too much mascara is applied to the lashes. This can leave your lashes looking unnatural and overdone. To avoid this, always remove excess product from the brush before applying it to your lashes. This will ensure a smooth, even coating.

If you've already committed this mascara sin, a quick fix is to use a clean mascara wand to even out the product on your lashes. Alternatively, you can use a lash comb to separate the lashes and remove the excess mascara.

Another tip to prevent clumpy lashes is to avoid using old mascara. Mascara thickens over time, which makes it more likely to clump. As a rule of thumb, replace your mascara every three to six months.

Smudged Mascara

Smudged Mascara is a common mistake, often resulting from applying mascara to the lower lashes or blinking before the mascara dries. To avoid this, skip the lower lashes or opt for waterproof mascara, which is less likely to smudge.

To fix smudged mascara, use a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover to gently remove the smudge. Be careful not to rub the surrounding area to avoid smearing the mascara further.

Setting your mascara with a translucent powder underneath the eyes can also prevent smudging. It creates a barrier that absorbs the oils that may break down the mascara.

Spider Lashes

Spider lashes are a result of multiple layers of mascara. While some people prefer this bold, dramatic look, it can be a mascara mistake for others. To avoid spider lashes, limit the number of coats to two. Apply the second layer before the first one dries to avoid creating clumps.

If you favor the spider lashes look, use a lengthening mascara and wiggle the wand from roots to tips to separate the lashes and evenly distribute the product.

To fix spider lashes, use a lash comb to separate the lashes. If the mascara is dry, apply a lash-conditioning serum to soften the mascara before combing the lashes out.

We've all made mascara mistakes at some point – the key is to know the right fixes. From clumpy to smudged to spider lashes, these tips will ensure your lashes always look on point. Now, unleash your inner makeup queen and bat those perfect lashes with confidence!

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