Practicing good hygienic behaviors with makeup is critical. Learn the golden rules here.

Welcome to another post on Makeup Queens, your number one source for all things beauty and makeup. Today, we're delving into the crucial topic of makeup hygiene. This largely overlooked aspect plays a significant role in the overall health of your skin. In this piece, we'll provide actionable beauty tips and makeup rules to ensure the safety of your makeup application. Because at the end of the day, healthcare is just as vital in your beauty routine as it is in the rest of your life.

Understand the Importance of Clean Makeup Brushes

Can you remember the last time you cleaned your makeup brushes? If not, it's time to start making it a habit. Makeup brushes, if not cleaned regularly, can be a breeding ground for bacteria that could lead to acne and skin infections. Additionally, the buildup of product on your brushes can alter the colors of your makeup application.

There's an array of brush cleaners available on the market. However, a gentle soap or shampoo will do the trick. Ensure to clean your brushes at least once a week. Dry them completely before reuse to prevent bacteria growth. Brushes should always be dried laying flat to maintain their shape.

It is as important to replace your makeup brushes as it is to clean them. Keep an eye on signs that your brushes might be past their prime, like shedding bristles or weakened handles.

Time to Toss: Recognizing When Makeup Has Expired

Just like your food, makeup too, has an expiry date. Using expired makeup poses risk of skin irritation and infections. The issue is that most people don't know when it's time to lose that favorite mascara or lipstick.

Bear in mind that each make-up product has its specific lifespan. As a general rule, mascara and eyeliners should be replaced every three months. Lip products usually last one to two years, while your foundation is good for six months to a year.

Remember, if it smells off or the consistency has changed, it's time to toss it. It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health of your skin.

Storing Makeup Properly is Crucial

The location where you store your makeup is just as important as cleaning your brushes. Ideally, makeup should be kept in a cool, dry place. Excess heat and moisture can break down the preservatives in your makeup, making it a favorable environment for bacteria to grow.

Keep your makeup products shut tight when not in use, and avoid storing them in the bathroom where high temperatures and humidity prevail. Investing in storage boxes or drawer organizers can also help keep your products in the best condition possible.

Storing your makeup and tools properly not only helps them to last longer but also prevents cross-contamination that may compromise your health.

In conclusion, maintaining good makeup hygiene is just as important as selecting the right shade or brand of product. Prioritizing healthcare in your beauty routine through regular brush cleaning, timely disposal, and proper storage can help you avoid a wide array of skin problems. Remember, your skin should always come first. Happy and healthy makeup application to all of you Makeup Queens out there!

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